Do You Know These 6 Cheese Facts?
1. More cheese is produced annually worldwide than coffee beans, tea leaves, cocoa beans and tobacco combined.
2. Stinky washed rind cheeses owe their odor to a bacteria named brevibacterium linens. These bacteria are also found on human skin and contributes to body odor.
3. It takes about 10 pounds of milk to make 1 pound of cheese.
4. Aged cheeses such as Fortsonia & Georgia Gold Clothbound Cheddar contain little to no lactose. In fact, the older the cheese, the lower the lactose.
5. Eating cheese (especially Cheddar, blue and Swiss styles) immediately after meals has been shown to help prevent tooth decay.
6. It is accepted that cheese was probably discovered by mistake. It is likely that milk was transported in a dried calf’s stomach and would have separated into curds and whey by movement and the naturally present rennet.
Cheese is such a popular food in France it is the subject of loads of books, speciality travel tours, documentaries and quotes. Probably the most famous cheese quote is by Charles de Gaulle where he refers to the nation of France being as diverse as cheese.
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