Broubriac and its Surprise Treasure
Do you visit churches and cathedrals when you travel? I love the peaceful cool environment, (especially on a hot day after lots of walking) the architecture, the ornate wooden carved furniture and the stained glass windows. That’s a lot of things I like about them I guess.
However it’s not only the large cathedrals and basilicas that are worth checking out when in France, it is also the local church in any village or town. For example, Bourbriac, a village in our greater region has a smallish population that has hovered around 2,330 persons for years, and their town church is huge.
Sometimes the size of the village seems at odds with the size and extravagance of its local church. Even the windows can be extremely ornate for a church that appears to serve on a village and the surrounding countryside.
What about this stained window at Bourbriac? I reckon it’s like finding treasure when you go into a village church and find the sun shining through a majestic stained window. The unexpectedness of the beauty can be breathtaking.
Above you can see the outside of the window and just how large the church is in this relatively lowly populated village. We went to a Nativity play the week of Christmas a couple of years back at this church, and truly people must have come from miles around because the church was packed.
The church was buzzing with an excited audience, donkeys, sheep, a noisy baby ‘Jesus’ and lots of happy kids who all looked like they walked out of the pages of a bible … oh, and loads of straw everywhere!
So that’s my #PhotoSunday for this week and travel tip on checking out churches even in smaller villages because you never know what treasures they hide.
We’ve shared more photos for the #PhotoSunday world wide community – check out our photos of the Eiffel Tower, Chateau de Brest, Canal du Blavet and Concarneau.