Weekend Newsletter #114
Wishing you a Bon week-end my dear friend and fellow lover of France.
The amazing global event of the Journées Européennes du Patrimonie or European Heritage Days will be held this year throughout Europe on September 21 and 22, that’s next weekend. I can’t believe the event has come around again so quickly, so to help you get prepared, this is the feature of our weekend newsletter. The theme this year is Heritage of Routes, Networks and Connections and Maritime Heritage. It’s a great event that gets you behind the doors of palaces, historical buildings and private residences that you’d normally never get access to.
It’s a “time for all to discover or rediscover the treasures of our national heritage and to understand the rich legacy of the past. All forms of heritage are honoured, whether artistic, archaeological, industrial, agricultural, agricultural, river or military.
Sometimes closed to the public the rest of the year, a wide variety of places can be visited (often with a guide): churches, castles, museums, banks, prefectures, courthouses, chambers of commerce, town halls, private residences…. Many unusual places open their doors: television channel headquarters, former prisons, factories and factories, behind the scenes of public transport…” - Visit Paris Region
I love it and if you can, I’d recommend you go and check out an opulent palace or magnificent town hall for yourself. To help with your planning I’ve included some helpful links of official websites.
Visit Paris Region - European Heritage Days
This weekend I’ve included a few gorgeous historical locations to read about, just in case you can’t make it to the real thing next weekend!
Happy armchair traveling, and I’ll see you in France.
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